От изготовления основных тканей до готовой продукции, каждый процесс строго соответствует стандартам международной сертификации системы качества, чтобы обеспечить стабильное качество продукции.
_ssl.c:880: The handshake operation timed out профессиональный Повязка на голову производитель и Китай Повязка на голову фабрика. Наша компания была основана в 2006 году. Носки, перчатки, шали, повязки, шапочки для душа, шапочки для сушки волос, маски для глаз, подушечки для снятия макияжа, тканевые сумки, пляжные полотенца, одеяла, коврики, коврики, фартуки, салфетки, скатерти, тканевые маски, наушники, домашний текстиль, собственная марка Повязка на голову, Профессиональный производитель серий из искусственной шерсти, шелковых подарков и т. д. Ткани в основном включают полиэстер, шелк, хлопок, искусственный шелк, вискозу, акрил, трикотаж, смесовый, окрашенный в пряже жаккард и т. д. Техники включают печать, крашение, ручную роспись, тай-дай, горячее тиснение, выжигание, крашение висит, крепирование, грязное крашение, вышивку, термопереносную печать, жаккард, окрашенный в пряжу и т. д. Годовая производственная мощность составляет около 20 миллионов штук. штук, а продукция экспортируется в Европу, Америку, Японию и другие части мира.
Основан в
Десять тысяч
годовой объем производства
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Опубликован в Mar 31, 2023Headbands can be simple and functional, such as a basic elastic band that keeps hair in place during sports or other physical activities. They can also be decorative, featuring embellishments such as flowers, beads, or rhinestones, and can be worn to add a pop of color or sparkle to an outfit.
Some headbands are designed to serve a specific purpose, such as keeping sweat out of the eyes during exercise, while others are purely for fashion. Headbands can be worn by people of all ages, and can be styled in many different ways, such as wearing them across the forehead or pushed back behind the hairline.
In recent years, headbands have become a popular fashion trend, with many celebrities and influencers sporting them on social media and on the red carpet. Whether simple or ornate, functional or fashionable, headbands can be a versatile and fun accessory to add to any outfit.
There are a variety of materials that can be used to crochet headbands, each with their own advantages. Here are some popular materials and their characteristics:
Cotton yarn: Cotton yarn is a popular choice for crocheting headbands because it is durable, breathable, and easy to work with. It is also available in a wide range of colors and weights. However, it can be less stretchy than other materials and may not be as comfortable to wear for extended periods of time.
Acrylic yarn: Acrylic yarn is another common material for crocheting headbands because it is soft, lightweight, and easy to care for. It is also available in a wide range of colors and is generally less expensive than other materials. However, it may not be as durable as other materials and may not hold its shape as well.
Wool yarn: Wool yarn is a warm and cozy option for crocheting headbands. It is naturally moisture-wicking, making it a good choice for winter wear. However, wool can be scratchy and may irritate sensitive skin. It may also be more difficult to work with than other materials.
Nylon yarn: Nylon yarn is a stretchy and durable material for crocheting headbands. It is often used for sports headbands because it can withstand moisture and sweat. However, it may not be as comfortable to wear as other materials and can be more difficult to work with.
Elastic cord: Elastic cord is a popular choice for crocheting headbands because it provides a comfortable and snug fit. It can be used alone or in combination with other materials to create a stretchy headband. However, it may not be as durable as other materials and can be more difficult to work with.